About us

In the beginning

Unofficially starting in 2017 as a bike repair shop, we started under the name of Kraken Bikes. We took to fixing bikes, but we also had a love to skate, and longboard. Thus, we have evolved, and for the better. Now, primarily selling longboards and skateboards, we are proud to be who, and what we are today. 
We kept the Kraken in the title, because it defines us as a people. We adapt to change, but still keep to our roots of what we truly are. We aim to live to a goal, of legendary status. 
Not only that, but it's Braden's favorite monster-animal hybrid. (He really likes the octopus)


----And then on 5/5/19----

It was a nice sunny day in the PNW. A great day to ride.

Braden, the founder of Kraken Boardshop, was doing some downhill runs just down from his house.

On the last run of the day he wanted to end it on a good note, wanted to go a little farther, a little faster to end on.

He took an unexpected fall, hitting his helmet on the road, end over end, multiple times.

Taken to a local hospital with what was first thought to be precautionary for a concussion turned out to be anything but.

His brain was swelling from the impact and he blacked out.

He was Life-Flighted to the closest trauma hospital where he immediately underwent an emergency craniectomy (part of his skull was removed to allow room for the swelling brain). After the surgery the Surgeon said he had a 10% chance of making it..........

13 days in a coma and three of the longest months of his families life spent in hospitals and massive amounts of various rehabs, even relearning how to speak and eat.

It has just passed the two year mark of that life changing accident and Braden continues to improve in all aspects of his recovery.

Even though he is not yet ready to get back on a longboard, his passion for the sport lives on and that is why the Kraken Longboard Shop is still here.

If he had not been wearing a helmet, he would not be with us today.

-ALWAYS ride safe-

Our Mission

Our Mission, is to spread the love of skating, and longboarding to South West Washington and towards the coast. We want many people to see the importance of why it's green for the environment, good for your health, and fun altogether. 
We also want to support our Local Brands that are made in Washington and the surrounding PNW region. As well as local, we want to support new and upcoming brands & small business like our own. We love to support the people with real, innovative ideas, who don't have a platform of their own to get the recognition they deserve. 
With all that said, we fit our entire mission, into one phrase;

"Share the Love, Spread the Stoke."

 Rider: Duncan Delano